G8 Summit in Heiligendamm 07 - topic@www.g8-tv.org http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=155&Vlang=eng In early summer of 2007 the "Leaders of the World" met in Kempinsky Grand Hotel on the German Baltic Sea. The image of the governmental leaders of the 8 strongest economies symbolises as almost nothing else the power of globalised capitalism and its political and military violence. Only this full power legitimizes G8. kanalB.org - http://kanalb.org/faq.php#jus G8 Summit in Heiligendamm 07 - topic@www.g8-tv.org http://g8-tv.org/media/grafik/heiligen.jpg http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=155&Vlang=eng 140 140 topic: G8 Summit in Heiligendamm 07 Fri, 30 Mar 2007 18:58:35 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=155&Vlang=eng In early summer of 2007 the "Leaders of the World" met in Kempinsky Grand Hotel on the German Baltic Sea. The image of the governmental leaders of the 8 strongest economies symbolises as almost nothing else the power of globalised capitalism and its political and military violence. Only this full power legitimizes G8. http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=155&Vlang=eng topic http://g8-tv.org/topic.php?clipId=155&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:03:36 +0100 http://www.g8-buendnis-rheinruhr.de/ http://www.g8-buendnis-rheinruhr.de/ link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:15:20 +0100 http://de.indymedia.org/g8heiligendamm/ http://de.indymedia.org/g8heiligendamm/ link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:17:32 +0100 http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/wipo/seattle/g8-07/index.html http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/wipo/seattle/g8-07/index.html link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:20:06 +0100 http://g8.blogsport.de/ http://g8.blogsport.de/ link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:22:38 +0100 http://www.links-lang.de/g8/01.php http://www.links-lang.de/g8/01.php link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:25:25 +0100 http://camp06.dissentnetwork.org/Main_Page http://camp06.dissentnetwork.org/Main_Page link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:26:43 +0100 http://www.gipfelsoli.org/ http://www.gipfelsoli.org/ link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:26:43 +0100 http://www.heiligendamm2007.de/ http://www.heiligendamm2007.de/ link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:26:43 +0100 http://www.g8-2007.de/ http://www.g8-2007.de/ link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:26:43 +0100 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruppe_der_Acht http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruppe_der_Acht link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:26:43 +0100 http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/g82007/ http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/g82007/ link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:26:43 +0100 http://https://www.dissentnetzwerk.org/ http://https://www.dissentnetzwerk.org/ link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:26:43 +0100 http://www.g8-germany.info/deutsch/index.htm http://www.g8-germany.info/deutsch/index.htm link link: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:26:43 +0100 http://www.antig8.tk/ http://www.antig8.tk/ link news: Ein Klima der Angst Sun, 26 Aug 2007 19:00:00 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2108 Seit dem G-8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm häuft sich das polizeiliche Vorgehen gegen Globalisierungskritiker in Deutschland (telepolis.de - Harald Neuber) http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2108 news news: Berichterstattung zum G8-Gipfel Sat, 07 Jul 2007 09:00:00 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2073 Zusammenfassung der schlimmsten Beispiele für Desinformation durch mainstream Medien während des Gipfels. Die DPA hat sich bei ihren KundInnen entschuldigt. Eine Entschuldigung vom SPIEGEL steht noch aus. http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2073 news news: Don't believe the hype! Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:00:00 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2067 Analyse der Falschmeldungen in den Massen-Medien rund um G8 in Heiligendamm (de.indymedia.org) http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2067 news news: Parlamentarisches Nachspiel vorbehalten Thu, 21 Jun 2007 18:00:00 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2065 Untersuchungsausschuss zur Polizeigewalt während des G8-Gipfels gefordert (telepolis.de - Michael Plöse) http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2065 news news: Sie kamen durch den Roggen: Der G8-Gipfel und die Provokateure Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:06:11 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2064 "Black Bloc" bei der Blockade (Victor Grossman - Znet) http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2064 news news: Interview mit Wangui Mbatia Sun, 27 May 2007 18:22:34 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2058 "Unser Leben wird so weit privatisiert, daß wir nicht mehr genug Geld haben, um zu leben. Unsere sozialen Ressourcen wie Wasser, öffentlicher Verkehr oder Gesundheitsdienste werden privatisiert und dadurch sehr teuer –dies führt letztlich zu Elend und Tod. (...) Die Hauptursachen dieser Probleme sind die Strukturanpassungs programme des Internationalen Währungsfonds und die Politik der Weltbank. Die G-8-Regierungen kontrollieren diese Institutionen weitgehend. Deren Politik führt dazu, daß wir Not leiden. Die Regierungen versprechen also, das Leiden zu lindern, das sie selbst verursachen." Frau Mbatia ist MItglied des Peoples Parliament von Nairobi (Kenia) http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2058 news news: Kriminalisierung der G8-Proteste Wed, 09 May 2007 13:54:23 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2045 Am 9. Mai hat die Bundesanwaltschaft mit ca. 1000 PolizeibeamtInnen bundesweit 40 linke Projekte, Wohnungen und Arbeitsplätze durchsucht. Als Vorwand wurde der Verdacht auf die Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinigung nach §129a angeführt, die angeblich den Ablauf des G8-Gipfels in Heiligendamm mit einer "militanten Kampagne" stören wolle. Der Durchsuchungsbeschluss benennt namentlich 18 Verdächtige. (de.indymedia.org) http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2045 news news: Hausdurchsuchungen in Berlin und Umland Wed, 09 May 2007 09:53:25 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2043 In Berlin und Umland werden zur Zeit mehrere Objekte von der Polizei durchsucht. Betroffen ist auch das Glocal Office im Bethanien. Im Glocal Office arbeiten mehrere Gruppen an der Mobilisierung gegen den G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm. (de.indymedia.org) http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2043 news news: Deutschland blockieren Wed, 21 Mar 2007 11:30:03 +0100 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2029 Eine andere Strategie um gegen den G-8 Gipfel in Heiligendamm zu protestieren. http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=2029 news news: Sicherheitskonzept G8 für Heiligendamm Sat, 23 Sep 2006 15:29:32 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=1920 Am Abend des 21. Septembers fand im Saal der Medianklinik in Heiligendamm ein Informationsabend der Polizei für die EinwohnerInnen Heiligendamms statt. Damit versucht die Polizei die EinwohnerInnen auf die Einschränkungen vorzubereiten, die sie ihnen während des Gipfels auferlegen wird. (de.indymedia.org) http://g8-tv.org/inc/news_redirect.php?clipId=1920 news topic-collection: ausserparlamentarische opposition Wed, 23 Nov 2005 00:53:44 +0100 http://g8-tv.org/metatopic.php?clipId=143&Vlang=eng die globale apo formiert sich auf diversen konferenzen, um die bestehenden verhaeltnisse und alternativen zu diskutieren. hier findest du themen zu internationalen und lokalen foren und konferenzen. http://g8-tv.org/metatopic.php?clipId=143&Vlang=eng topic-collection http://g8-tv.org/metatopic.php?clipId=143&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org topic-collection: summit assault Wed, 25 May 2005 14:06:10 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/metatopic.php?clipId=68&Vlang=eng everywhere the extra-parliamentary opposition has taken the iniative with several different types of action, to protest against politicians and institutions who are responsible for the fact that, since the 80's the developing countries have been straining under the weight of the drastic cure 'free trade', administered by the industrial countries; with more and more people starving and living on the street. the protesters however have displayed their other value systems on the street, symbolically, artistically, poetically, revolutionarily, by debates, costumes, damage to property and dancing on the streets they have reclaimed public space. http://g8-tv.org/metatopic.php?clipId=68&Vlang=eng topic-collection http://g8-tv.org/metatopic.php?clipId=68&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Police-military cooperation at G8 Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:04:48 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1752&Vlang=eng An eye witness reports on the coation Bundeswehr (German army) and police during the activities around the airport of Rostock-Laage. While the representatives of G8 arrived the military exercised deployment and cooperation with the police against the G8 resistance. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1752&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1752&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Army at the G8 Sun, 10 Jun 2007 23:58:42 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1721&Vlang=eng On June 6th the Army operated to secure highway A 19 between the airport (where the G8 'leaders' arrived) and Rostock without legal reason. With their activity the militarisation of the civil society is pushed further ahead. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1721&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1721&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: after a night blocading Thu, 07 Jun 2007 16:01:30 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1733&Vlang=eng The blockade at Rettwich (consisting of 2000 people) did hold during the night. A doctor (at the demonstration ) remarked that there was a a lot of support (or solidarity) from the local. The bad attitude towards the demonstrators prevailing at the beginning of the protest has changed. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1733&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1733&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org interview: annihilation of capital in the periphery Thu, 07 Jun 2007 07:51:52 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1732&Vlang=eng Thomas Fritz of Research and Documentation Centre Chile Latin America explains how the industrial countries enforce that financial crisises with all their disastrous consequences break out in the developping countries, not in the rich countries. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1732&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1732&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Pressconference of the legal team Tue, 05 Jun 2007 21:02:21 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1719&Vlang=eng Rostock, 5 June 2007 - Mrs. Strutzinsky of the Republican Laywers Association speaks of the proceedings of the police and the so called Kavala, which according to Mrs. Strutzinsky acts like a 'state in the state' and practically disempowers the local police and justice. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1719&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1719&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org interview: Lotta Camper Tue, 05 Jun 2007 11:33:17 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1727&Vlang=eng from the live-cast on 5.June 2007 - a spokeswoman of the press group Campinski talks about the magnitude of the disinformation driven by the police and mass media concerning the violence of the demonstrantrators. The news magazine Der Spiegel reported, the army of clowns would spatter the police with acid. It was pointed out later that in reality it was soap water. The debate on violence was an attempt to edge the radical leftist groups out of the globalization-critical movement. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1727&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1727&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org interview: Police repression Tue, 05 Jun 2007 10:15:01 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1718&Vlang=eng Laywer Katja Herrlicher of the Republican Laywers Association tells how police prevented her from doing her job and how one of her clients was attacked and beaten up by police. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1718&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1718&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Lidl Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:12:58 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1706&Vlang=eng Lidl is a huge discounter. It pays such low prices that the farmers and the land workers can not live of them. In the South of Spain wages of around 1 Euro are payed. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1706&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1706&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: g8 theater Sun, 03 Jun 2007 14:27:02 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1695&Vlang=eng On Agiculture-Action-Day (3/6/07) a small theatre group performed on Neuer Markt in Rostock. The play deals with GM seeds and their results. But not only ecology was an important topic, the actors also responded to social aspect of this technology. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1695&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1695&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org snippets: Dog Sun, 03 Jun 2007 14:17:19 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1709&Vlang=eng On the verge of the Action Day of Agriculture a dogs was protesting against dog taxes. It didn't doubt capitalism in general. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1709&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1709&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org interview: Climbing against EADS and G8 Fri, 01 Jun 2007 10:22:45 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1687&Vlang=eng On the 1st of June a group of climbing activists put up the banner against armament exports at the Kröpeliner Gate in Rostock, as they already did at the House of Shipping. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1687&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1687&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Parcours Global - Part 1 Wed, 16 May 2007 10:32:30 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1641&Vlang=eng Fit for the summit! This has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. In part 1 a competetive concept formation takes place in front of the Adlon Hotel, which is part of the Forum Group, that also owns the Kempinski Hotel in Heiligendamm. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1641&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1641&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Parcours Global - Part 2 Wed, 16 May 2007 10:32:20 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1642&Vlang=eng Fit for the summit! That has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. In part 2 the sportive summitcrashers move on to the Coca-Cola branch in Berlin, for the softdrink producer is life theatening. Therefore: bowling against Coke. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1642&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1642&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Parcours Global - Part 3 Wed, 16 May 2007 10:28:06 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1643&Vlang=eng Fit for the summit! That has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. In the third part street signs are creatively altered form Mohrenstraße (blackamoor street) into the correct street name Möhrenstraße (carrot street). http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1643&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1643&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Parcours Global - Part 4 Wed, 16 May 2007 10:27:28 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1644&Vlang=eng Fit for the summit! That has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. The fourth station of the parcour is Rheinmetall, a big weapons producer. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1644&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1644&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Parcours Global - Part 5 Wed, 16 May 2007 10:26:25 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1645&Vlang=eng Fit for the summit! That has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. The final exercise is giving back Dussmann (a German catering and book store) their disgusting nutrition for inhabitants of asylum seekers camps. But such bravity it too much for the monopolist of force, the coppers intervene. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1645&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1645&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: La Via Campesina Fri, 11 May 2007 12:40:24 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1638&Vlang=eng This video clip introduces the worldwide network of (small) farmers, the landless or displaced, farm workers and indigenous people. It gives a brief impression on why the issue of agriculture is of such central importance in times of globalisation. Via Campesina has 200 million members. The clip was produced in context of the Action Network Global Agriculture and will be shown on protest events before, during and after the G8-Summit in Heiligendamm. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1638&Vlang=eng video: short-docu http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1638&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: Protest March against Raids and Criminalising Political Activists Wed, 09 May 2007 00:06:13 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1651&Vlang=eng Police raided about 40 buildings and offices in Germany on Wednesday morning, 9th May, including social centres, book shops, archives and several private homes (shared flats and house projects), as well as the alternative web provider so36.net. A solidarity demonstration has taken place in Berlin Kreuzberg that evening, and this is what the clip is about. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1651&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1651&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org snippet: G8- does it regard me? Fri, 30 Mar 2007 17:01:03 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1624&Vlang=eng the g8 summit takes place in Heiligendamm / Germany this year. but what do the citizens know about it and do they think it regards them? http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1624&Vlang=eng video: snippet http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1624&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org interview: configurate g8 ? Fri, 30 Mar 2007 16:06:00 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1623&Vlang=eng >>organise globalisation<< is the new mission statement in politics concerning globalisation. political scientist Michael Heinrich explains the background of this. the film provides a basis for discussion on analysing the capitalistic world order in its main features, on transformation, crisis, fight - and not least - what G8 has got to do with it. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1623&Vlang=eng video: interview http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1623&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: "Destroying the world together" Sat, 17 Mar 2007 16:01:03 +0100 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1626&Vlang=eng Cheerful Demonstration on Saturday, 17 March 07: "Destroy the World, together ! Help out G8 !" Ministers of the 8 biggest environmental destroyers were welcomed in this nice city with great joy ! With this Cheerful Demonstration the brave demonstraters were proclaiming Unlimited Solidarity! "Don't lose your way ! It's only a few lunatics who are reproaching you for climate change, nuclear waste and wasting of ressources. " http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1626&Vlang=eng video: http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1626&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org animation: G8 Repression (english & german) Sun, 14 Jan 2007 17:50:27 +0100 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1648&Vlang=eng 20min Clip about German Police Strategies, especially for the G8 2007 in Heiligendamm, and especially for people who do not know the german law yet. It is a screenable quality version with english and german audio track - yes, all in one file! Just open it with VLC and chose menu item "audio". Organize public screenings! http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1648&Vlang=eng video: animation http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1648&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org animation: G8 Repression Sun, 14 Jan 2007 17:47:27 +0100 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1585&Vlang=eng A 20min Clip about German Police Strategies, especially for the G8 2007 in Heiligendamm, and especially for people who do not know the german law yet. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1585&Vlang=eng video: animation http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1585&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-film: Sea You on G8 Sat, 02 Sep 2006 21:59:19 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1471&Vlang=eng The G8-summit 2007 will take place in Heiligendamm by Rostock . Fight against G8! Sea You, on G8! http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1471&Vlang=eng video: short-film http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1471&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org short-docu: greetings from Heiligendamm Fri, 08 Jul 2005 02:42:33 +0200 http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1130&Vlang=eng the german bath Heiligendamm is hosting the G8-summit 2007; activists unfoald a transparent "fight the G8" in front of the hotel-complex. http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1130&Vlang=eng video: short-docu http://g8-tv.org/clip.php?clipId=1130&Vlang=eng#comment g8-tv.org